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Kathryn Skelsey

Kathryn Skelsey has written 30 posts for gh4oz – Affordable Growth Hormone for Australia Now !

Our Right to Speak Under Threat – Write To Council Before 13 May

Hello All **Action Required before 13 May** This is a real threat to our democratic right to speak out! Georges River Council is trying to push through a new code, which will restrict the public from voicing community concerns to Councillors. The Code is currently a DRAFT. We need to oppose it now. If this … Continue reading

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PBAC submission outcomes will be posted on 19th August 2011

After all the submissions went to the PBAC, one of the people who sent a submission on my behalf received this reply below.  Unlike most people, she had sent her submission to the PBS instead of the PBAC Committee, therefore she received this individualised reply which not everyone would have received. Anyway it contains information … Continue reading

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PBAC Outcomes from Past Meetings – Insight into How they Think

I have found the web pages where the PBAC lists the decisions they have made about various medications following their meetings.   Most recent ones include the “Positive Recommendations”, and the “Negative Decisions”, regarding both “First Time” and “Subsequent” applications. http://www.health.gov.au/internet/main/publishing.nsf/Content/health-pbs-general-listing-pbacrec-prevpbacrec.htm http://www.health.gov.au/internet/main/publishing.nsf/Content/pbac-outcomes-info The first time that an application was put to the PBAC regarding Somatropin (GH) … Continue reading

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Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) Growth Hormone Program

These are the current documents that doctors are required to use to apply for GH replacement therapy for their patients. The documents give an insight into the criteria for enabling GHRT in short stature children, biochemically GH deficient children, and other approved paediatric categories. http://www.health.gov.au/internet/main/publishing.nsf/Content/health-pbs-general-supply-hghapplication A list of other government “Programs and Initiatives” can be browsed … Continue reading

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“Swap It, Don’t Stop It !” – How Our Health Campaign Could Help Theirs.

The government pours millions of dollars into campaigns to improve community health by preventative means.  Surely subsidising ADGHRT is a relatively small expense, and one that meets the same objectives, possibly in an even more proven, guaranteed and effective manner ! See below for the links to various national campaigns to improve health throughout Australia’s population. … Continue reading

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National Medicines Policy – Affordable Access for ALL

 The PBS has a set of objectives that it aims to meet, which has been formulated into a “National Medicines Policy”.  Surely Adult GHD Replacement Therapy would fall under the third objective of “access to NECESSARY medicines occurs at a cost the community as a whole can afford, particularly in the context of pressures such as … Continue reading

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AGHDRT – Internationally Accepted and Necessary

Adult growth hormone deficiency replacement therapy – here is the evidence. “It is now accepted that adults with severe GH deficiency (GHD) demonstrate impaired physical and psychological well-being and may benefit from replacement with recombinant human GH. Post-marketing surveillance surveys, such as the Pfizer International Metabolic Database (KIMS), were initially set-up to provide safety data … Continue reading

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The Hormone Society (USA) – Patient Guides

The Hormone Foundation is based in the USA, and has this easy summary of GH deficiency and treatment (found in the patient section of their website); http://www.hormone.org/Resources/upload/PG-GHD-Adults-Web.pdf (published in 2006, and updated in 2011) (full list of Hormone Foundation patient guides; http://www.hormone.org/Resources/patientguides.cfm ) Also under the doctor’s section of their website;http://www.hormone.org/Resources/Patient_Guides/upload/growth-hormone-deficiency-in-adults-070609.pdf And an article about the Use … Continue reading

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THIS IS HOW THEY DO IT OVERSEAS – Clinical Guidelines in Other Countries – USA, UK, Growth Hormone Research Society

THe NZ Pharmac Guidelines that I mentioned in my post yesterday included references to guidelines in other countries.  Here are the current links to those references (some of the links had changed since publication in the NZ Pharmac document in March 2010). AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGISTS MEDICAL GUIDELINES FOR CLINICAL PRACTICE FOR GROWTH HORMONE USE … Continue reading

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From the APF Archives

From the archives; a few documents that helped with the previous application to the PBAC, and the Pre-budget submission in 2004. These documents may give some ideas for this year’s submission, but be aware that some of the links to organisations listed in these documents will be old and may be broken.  You’ll probably be able to use Google … Continue reading

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